Convert RGB, HEX, LAB, LCH colors and closest Tailwind color

Convert colors seamlessly between multiple formats and check color contrast for accessibility

Convert colors seamlessly

Our color converter is designed to be user-friendly and efficient. It supports multiple color formats including RGB (Red, Green, Blue), HEX (Hexadecimal), LAB (CIE L*a*b*), and LCH (Lightness, Chroma, Hue). With just a few clicks, you can convert your colors accurately and effortlessly, and find the closest Tailwind color class name. The Tailwind class name will not be the exact same color, but as close as we get with the default Tailwind colors.

How to use the color converter

Paste a color string, hit enter - see a preview of the color, and copy the color string you need. You will also get the closest Tailwind color class name.

Check color contrast for accessibility

Our tool also includes a contrast checker to ensure your color combinations meet accessibility standards. Simply enter another color to check its contrast against your primary color.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is RGB Color Format?

RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue. It is a color model used for digital displays and imaging.

What is HEX Color Format?

HEX (Hexadecimal) is a six-digit code representing colors in web design and development.

What is LAB Color Format?

LAB is a color model based on human vision, representing colors in a three-dimensional space (Lightness, a, b).

What is LCH Color Format?

LCH stands for Lightness, Chroma, and Hue, providing a perceptually uniform color space.

What is the Tailwind Color Class?

Tailwind CSS provides a utility-first framework for rapidly building custom designs. Our converter will also find the nearest Tailwind color class name for your input color.

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